Universal Beach Access Hub

 The beach belongs to all of us.

Universal BEach ACcess Hub (U-BEACH) is a collaborative community-led team striving to improve beach accessibility and ensure all people enjoy their highest attainable standard of health and wellbeing. 

U-BEACH is committed to working with our people and our partners on projects that improve beach accessibility and inclusion in beach-based activities for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.  

There are oceans of opportunities and unmet potential within our communities, and we will innovate and collaborate to provide real-world education and training, inclusive healthcare and accessible and sustainable tourism. 

Projects we are currently working on.

Hosting accessible community beach days

Understanding beach use and preferences for older people and people with disability

Understanding barriers and facilitators to beach access for older people and people with disability

Developing a beach accessibility manual handling training package

Understanding the relationship between beach access and health and wellbeing

Introducing measures to increase participation opportunities for beach-based physical activity

Improving opportunities for participation in beach and ocean based tourist activities

Understanding health professional perspectives on beach-based healthcare interventions